After listening to her performance, there are a lot of things that makes me feel so excited. First thing is that she has amazed technique and eye-catching gesture. She has ability to totally control the complicated organ not only with her fingers but her foot also. More than that, she is very musical. She tried her best to create the sound of a orchestra on her organ, that's so amazing. But of course, she cannot really make the sound of a real orchestra even though she is the best organ player. The thing I like about this performing is that it is a new experience for an orchestra piece. It is different from the orchestra's and piano's version so it makes me very excited to listen to her performance. For me, Qi Zhang is a really amazed performance in her instrument.
There is few thing I don't like about this performance is that she played too busy and make audiences feel tired when listen for a long time. One of the reason is because of the composer of this piece, Prokofiev is really a virtuoso pianist so he wrote a very hard piece like this one. But a good performer is the person who can handle the hard piece become easy one. For this reason, I really believe that she can be a better player with more control in breath and take it easier. she need to create more space and listen like an audience. I feel like she plays for only her self, not for the listener.
But anyway, I really enjoy her performance. I bet she spent almost of her time to practice on her organ to make a perfect concert like this.
Ariana Grande - yes, and? Lyrics
1 year ago